Sunday, December 26, 2010

Betta Care Tips.....

Make sure the jar or bowl that you keep your Betta in is big enough so that he can swim around and not bump or tear his fins or scales. Also be sure there is plenty of surface area so that he can get enough oxygen.

Do not decorate your Betta bowl with rocks or marbles that may cause your Betta to get stuck between or under them. Be sure that they are a flat smooth surface that provides no risk to the health of your fish.

Keep tanks covered. Bettas can jump out of a bowl or a jar. Some plastic or a sheet of transparency paper works fine.

Changing the water around every three days will keep it clean and prevent infection in your fish.

These fishes have tiny stomachs. It is therefore recommended that one gives small quantities of food maybe twice a day.

Feeding them live food will keep them active and it is great fun to watch them gobbling them all up.

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