Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish are the most chosen breed of pet fish as they are beautiful in their own ways. Most of the Betta fish have beautifully coloured long fins, and scales. Male fish are more brightly coloured with hues ranging from red to blue, and are more aggressive than their female counterparts. It is also known in few places to let the Betta fish fight for bets. They are mostly found in slow moving waters, and need warmer temperatures of water. So it is advisable to add a suitable heater to maintain a temperature of at least 70 degrees in the fish tanks housing these Betta fish. Apart from this, Bettas require a dose of small insects, or insect larvae along with routine diet of flake foods, or frozen fried fish foods. The Betta fish need a little more space in order for them to comfortably move around with their long fins. They also need good amount of oxygen as these Betta fish are labyrinth, that is, they breath oxygen from air.
It is a known fact that Betta fish have a pretty aggressive temperament. It wouldn’t be advised to have two male Betta fish together, or to add a new one along with an existing Betta fish. This could turn nasty if the stronger Betta fish start attacking, or biting the weaker ones. Care must be taken to isolate the offensive fish for the safety of the rest. It is also better to keep the fish tank containing Betta fish covered when possible.
Image Courtesy - http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k189/Fersoofresh/black.jpg